Uganda – Traditional Fish Finger

Uganda is a country found in Africa. The inhabitants of Uganda speak Luganda and English, Swahili is at low and with elite Ugandans. Fish Finger is among the loved food as it’s prepared traditionally.

Uganda – Chicken Luwombo

Uganda is a small country located in East Africa with over 53 tribes which explains the diversity in culture and its cuisine. Our dish today comes from the dominant tribe called Baganda where this country derives its name.

Uganda – Spicy Matoke

Matoke is actually the green food of Uganda which is cooked with different kinds of stuff and brings the new taste of every dish. It is all bout the choice of spices because only spices make your dish different and tasty. Matoke is actually a kind of banana but is not fully cooked. It must be green in color when we cooked this. Matoke is origin in Kisii lands.