Nepal – Nepali Style Pani Puri

Pani puri is something like Golgappa which are round-shaped balls. Pani puri is famous all around the world but in different styles. Pani puri is not only famous in Nepal but a popular street food restaurant in India, Pakistan, Bangladesh as well.

Nepal – Thukpa

Thukpa is one of the best and famous soups of NEPAL. Thukpa is a soup which is made with different varieties of meat like you can use chicken, beef, mutton, or any other type which is your favorite. The meaning of thukpa word is “HEART” so everyone call this dish is a heart warming dish. It is actually started in the HIMALAYA region of NEPAL.

Nepal – Churpi Soup

Firstly, we have to know about the Churpi, what actually Churpi is?. Churpi is a very famous and tasty cheese of NEPAL, which is used in different recipes. This cheese is a Nepalese cheese and is called Durka also. Churpi is made with the milk of YAK or COW. People have it in different regions of the HIMALAYA like NEPAL, DARJEELING, SIKKIM, BHUTAN, TIBET, KALIMPONG, etc.

Nepal – Masyaura

Masyaura is a very unique recipe of Nepal. This dish is very special because of the sun-dried balls, they totally depend upon the sun rays that give it a very unique texture. Sun-dried is the food preservation method from ancient times, but some dishes totally depends on it because this is the best method of food’s dryness.