Tag Archive for: Egyptian Cuisine

Levant, Egypt – Ful Medames With Challah

Ful medames is the Levantine salad made up of fava beans and raw vegetables. Ful medames is eaten in Arabic countries, Asia, Middle Eastern, and North African. This salad is the most ancient dish of Egyptian cuisine. There are many varieties of the dish around the world.

Egypt – Ful Medames

Sulfur Midmas, also known as “Madmas Fools”, is a popular vegan dish in the Middle East and Leviathan, but it is considered an Egyptian dish. Fil Medium is a popular Middle Eastern breakfast cooked with canned beans and cooked lentils and then mixed with glycerin, lemon, and olive oil soup. Many countries, especially some cities, have their own interpretations. This is the best street food I’ve ever seen.