Japan – Zosui / Japanese Rice Soup

Zosui is a very healthy and full nutritious soup dish with all the healthy elements to add its benefits to the dish. It is a Japanese version of Congee. Congee is actually a rice porridge dish, very famous in China. This dish is very healthy and easy to digest so it is also served as a staple food for patients and healthcare workers. This is also known to be as Baby food. When nabemono is cooked, the leftover soup can be also used as the Zosui. There are different variant of using instead of rice.

Japan – Sushi Platter

Sushi is also known as Sushi-Meshi. It is a vinegar rice dish with having raw seafood slices and nori seaweed sheets. Sushi is usually confused with other Japanese dish that is SASHIMI, which is also a Japanese-originated dish of raw meat and just thin slices of meat served with soy sauce. Sushi is originated from the old tradition of Fermentation of rice. The people of Japan MUORMACHI PERIOD, ferment the rice for months and then served it with raw fish. There are different types of sushi served in worldwide with addition of different ingredients, different cooking methods, etc.

Japan – Ramen ( Japanese Noodles Soup )

Ramen is a special dish from Japanese cuisine. It is also known as SHINA SOBA or CHUKA SOBA in different areas of Japan. Two main ingredients of this Japanese ramen are broth/soup and noodles.

Japan – Mushi Manju

It is a sort of steamed cake or steamed dumpling in sweet flavors. It is also known as Japanese Confession cuisine, WAGASHI. Wagashi is the Japanese confession meal that is traditionally served with green tea. Wagashi is made up and serves as a gift for festivals, to admire the Tradition of Japan. Manju is made up of different main ingredient that is filled with the different fillings.

Japan – Raindrop Cake

Raindrop cake; is not it look like a piece of art or something. This is a zero calories dessert in which we can have only two or three ingredients and you come up with a unique dessert like an art piece. This is very clear and crystal dessert so felt like a raindrop.

Japan – Tsukune

This is a non-veg dish that is actually chicken, lamb, beef, or seafood meatballs. These are known as Japanese meatballs or Tsukune. There are different techniques used in making this amazing dish.

Japan, China – Sanbeiji ( Three Cup Chicken )

Three Cup Chicken is also known by the name, San Bei Ji. It is a very popular dish in China and Taiwan cuisine but also very popular evenly in Japan. It is known as a three-cup chicken because the used in this dish is made by a cup of three ingredients. It is served with Congee and Rice.

Japan, China – Gyoza / Jiaozi

Dishes included in the cuisine of Japan has many other dishes from other regions. Those inspired dishes are than infused with Japanese flavours and came up with new fusion dish of other regional origin and Japanese flavours. So this dish is also a fusion cuisine which is originated from the Chinese cuisine and now very popular in Japan.

Japan – Yakiniku

YAKINIKU is grilled meat inspired by western cuisine. The term Yakiniku is associated with Korean restaurants, in Osaka and Tokyo. From 1872, in the MEJI period, this Korean cuisine influenced Japanese dishes.

Japan – Okowa (Japanese Sticky Rice)

This is Japanese-style steamed sticky rice. This special rice is cooked with vegetables and meat if you like to add on. The word OKOWA came from the Japanese word, KOWAMESHI, which means ”Hard rice”. OKOWA means in this dish like we sometimes used different varieties of rice in making this dish. However, in this dish they are not hard rice, they are cooked sticky rice