Nigeria – Efo Riro

A cuisine is a traditional cooking habit, practiced by different cultures in different areas around the world. Most of the soups in Africa are made from leaves. Mushrooms will be used in the soup. This mush rooms when prepared, serve as meat.

Nigeria – Turwo Shinkafa

Turwo shinkafa is a Nigerian cuisine, mostly eating by the Hausa tribe. This is made from non-parboiled rice. This is made from non-parboiled rice because, parboiled rice will give a different look or finishing.

Nigeria – Tuwo Shinkafa

Nigerian cuisine Tuwo shinkafa is originated from Hausa tribe, people leaving on the northern part of the country. Unlike tuwo masara that is prepared from maize, Tuwo shinkafa is prepared mainly from highly smashed rice and sometimes from corn.

Nigeria – Asun

From the picture itself, you may get a blur picture on how the cuisine looks like and even it’s taste. This is Asun the peppered goat recipe, one among the lovable cuisines from Yoruba speaking Ondo people in Western Nigeria.

Nigeria – Pepper Soup

Nigeria southern coast is on the Gulf of Guinea in the Atlantic Ocean. Pepper soup is the name of our today cuisine. It is a soup with varieties of ingredients but consist of peppers at large.

Nigeria – Nsala Soup

Have you ever eating Nsala soup? Again, I bring to you the best of dishes around Africa. Imagine African is a very large continent with so many countries. In some of these countries are so many tribes and this tribes have meals you haven’t ever heard of, but if you eat the dish, you may love to leave in Africa.