Myanmar – Mont Di

For many centuries women in the Padaung tribe prettify their necks using brass rings. Despite their unique tradition, Myanmar also has many delicious dishes that need to taste when visiting Myanmar. Myanmar people also eat noodles as their main staple. One of the noodle dishes is Mont Di. Some tourists acknowledge it as a fast-food even it was a traditional food because it served quickly.

China – Peking Duck

The second name of Peking duck is the “ROAST DUCK”. This is one of the most favorite and popular dishes that is made by a duck. The very first time this Peking duck dish is originated in TANG DYNASTY. The actual ROAST DUCK was introduced in 1368. Now the Peking duck is known as the National symbol of CHINA.

Palestine, United Arab Emirates – Lamb Kubba

This dish is one of the best dishes of Palestine and Arabic cuisine. This is made up of meat and can be cooked as the vegetarian version of the dish. Palestinian cuisine is a food that is not even eaten by the people of Palestine but also Jordan, Israel, Refugee camps, nearby areas, etc. The cuisines that have a great impact on Palestinian cuisine are Turkish cuisine, Arabs, and Persians. The word Kubba is derived from the Arabic language, KUBBAH is also known as KIBBEH in Levantine Arabic language. The cuisine of Palestine has a great impact on other international cuisines.

Cameroon – Roasted Chicken With Unripped Plantains

Chicken is the most eaten of all the different types of meat that exist on earth, just like beef that is globally eaten with no particular exception. Cameroon roasted chicken with uripped plantains is a local cuisine that tells you the history of an emancipated locality.

Ethiopia – Doro Wat

Doro means chicken, it’s a cuisine of onion sauce with a chicken meat and eggs. Preparation of this cuisine takes time especially the primary steps of onions roasting.

Tanzania – Boiled Sweet Potato with Coconut

Potato cultivation is also done with Sukuma and Kerewe people in Tanzania. Preparation method will include some sort of Coastal food preparation styles, since coconut is not primary cultivated with Sukumas and Kerewes.

Cameroon – Plain Cake

Cakes have often served the test of time. This is food whose process does not need tomatoes, onions, maggi or frying. Rather sugar, flour, oil and other dry ingredients and they are just kept in an air tide heated environment for about 40-45 for them to cook.

Pakistan – Chicken Burger

Chicken burger is a fast food in every country but it has become the most local cuisine in Pakistan and other Asian countries. This food is easy to make and in every street there are stalls which sell his burger.

Japan – Takikomi Gohan

Takikomi Gohan is a bowl of Japanese rice tossed with dashi, soya sauce, broth, and can have the addition of vegetables and meat into it. This dish has a lot of varieties and different versions of the same dish by having different combinations of vegetables and meat. It can be your comfort dish or a heavy meal to be served on dinners, festivals like Japanese new year’s eve, etc.