Cameroon – Irish Potatoes and Spicy Mutton Sauce

In this article, I will love to use the opportunity to thank all farmers. They are the ones who help to make sure there is food. Today, you will read and know how to prepare spicy Mutton with boiled Irish. This is an easy meal; it is nutritional and above all delicious.

Cameroon – Spaghetti

Spaghetti is a long, thin, solid, cylindrical pasta. It is one of the easiest meals to prepare yet some people don’t know how to get pass that.

Cameroon – Nsanka Corn Soup With Sugar

Corn soup with sugar is a local cuisine that is made up of fresh corn, ngweng leaves, also known as cassava leaves and sugar. Nsanka corn soup with sugar is a local cuisine prepared by the people of the centre region, precisely the Ewondos in Cameroon.

Cameroon – Chicken Green Soup

Chicken green soup is a soup made most of chicken. In this case, the chicken will not be cut in many portions, but a just some few parts. This is a kind of tradition that has been followed for decades now and cannot be stopped just like that. Chicken green soup is being prepared in the region of Baku in the West of Cameroon.

Cameroon – Tatinan Food Mixture

Tatinan food mixture is a food containing all other forms of food, joined to become one and for it to bear the name Tatinan food mixture. Eating a balanced food nowadays has become luxury, as most people enjoy eating processed food or canned food. Tatinan food mixture is an original food mixture coming from the Ndian plateau in Cameroon.

Cameroon – Groundnut Soup With Cow Leg Meat

Groundnut soup is a special soup of its kind. It is a very unique type of food eaten with cooked groundnut as a complementary to the sauce being prepared with. This food is being cooked by the people of the East region found in Cameroon.

Cameroon – Irish Potatoes Bouillon With Cow Meat

Like in the United State of America they love frying Irish potatoes especially to eat in hamburgur or tacos but here in Cameroon we mostly love doing Irish potatoes and pepper soup. And meals also best to eat when you have caught cold.

Cameroon – How to cook Ekusi sauce with bitter leaves

The Ekusi sauce with bitter leaves is rich in minerals that are good for bones, immune system and general body as well. Ekusi sauce with bitter leaves is a meal coming from the highlands of Ndu in the North West region of Cameroon.

Cameroon – Ekusi Sauce With Okro and Canda

Ekusi sauce is a sauce well appreciated by Cameroonians and Africans in general. As compared to so many other meals in Cameroon and africa, they often have a connotation towars tradition. This seems not to be the case with Ekusi sauce with Okro and canda.

Nigeria, Cameroon – Ogbono Soup

Ogbono soup is a draw soup. It is often called swallow. This soup is a very delicious soup and it is valued in Cameroon and Nigeria. This is the meal where most people who consume it, lick their five fingers.